Aim and scope
American Journal of Emerging Scholars (AMJES) is a Silicon Valley based open-access academic journal devoted to the rapid dissemination of current research published by predoctoral scholars, including but not limited to high school, undergraduate, and graduate students. AMJES seeks articles that are novel, integrative, and accessible to a broad audience. AMJES publishes multidisciplinary contents, including but not limited to science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM).
In addition to the journal, AMJES Online also publishes opinion articles, review articles, and other applicable articles on a rolling basis.
Student authors who strive to achieve early success at publications will receive scholarly feedback after the reviews of their submissions are received. This feedback will help authors identify areas of improvement to their submission and help them better understand the process to be successful at publication. Once published, we strive to provide a global platform for our authors to showcase their work. To find out more about the review process, please visit the peer-review process page.
Open access page
A peer-reviewed publication is also sometimes referred to as a scholarly publication. The peer-review process subjects an author's scholarly work, research, or ideas to the scrutiny of others who are experts in the same field (peers) and is considered necessary to ensure academic scientific quality.
The peer-review process at AMJES starts with our editorial board that is made of highly accomplished scholars who have earned their PhDs in world renowned universities. AMJES editors in corresponding fields will review student submissions and make an editorial decision whether to send the paper for peer-review. The editorial decision to accept an article for publication will be made if the authors have successfully addressed the comments from the reviewers.
AMJES adopts a double-anonymous review approach, which means the reviewer identities are concealed from authors and vice versa, throughout the review process. Authors need to ensure that their manuscripts do not give away their identity to facilitate this. To find out more about the review process, please visit the Author Guidelines page. We invite teachers and faculty interested in reviewing articles for AMJES; please visit our Reviewers page for more information.
Open access policy
AMJES provides access to its published content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. Learn more about Open Access in the open access page.
Authors retain copyright
Articles published in this journal are under a Creative Commons License, and the authors retain the copyright to their work.
Open access page
Open Access stands for unrestricted access and unrestricted reuse.
Most publishers own the rights to the articles in their journals. Anyone who wants to read the articles must pay to access them. Anyone who wants to use the articles in any way must obtain permission from the publisher and is often required to pay an additional fee. Paying for access to content makes sense in the world of print publishing, where providing content to each new reader requires the production of an additional copy, but online it makes much less sense to charge for content when it is possible to provide access to all readers anywhere in the world.
AMJES operates with no subscription required. Anyone who visits the journal website is free to view and download the full text (PDF copy) of all published articles.
Authors retain ownership of the copyright for their content (Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 Unported License.).
Benefits of Open Access Research
Accelerated discovery. With open access, researchers can read and build on the findings of others without restriction.
Public enrichment. Much scientific and medical research is paid for with public funds. Open access allows taxpayers to see the results of their investment.
Improved education. Open access means that teachers and their students have access to the latest research findings throughout the world.